Pollinator Plants
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If you are interested in getting some plants contact www.pollinatorgarden.ca
Pollinator plants offer a great nectar source for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators. Most also provide pollen that female native bees need to provision their brood cells. Some plants have evolved specialist relations through evolution with pollen-specialist bees. About 30% of bee larvae can only digest pollen from a single plant species or genus. Plants also have unique relations to butterflies and moths. Most caterpillars are host-plant specialists and can only neutralize one chemical plants use as a defence mechanism. Monarch caterpillars, e.g. can digest the toxic cardiac glycoside. Native plants bloom at different times and provide the needed nutrition for the season's tasks, e.g. for bees to start up their nest or fatten up for hibernation or a Monarch's super cocktail to take on the huge migration to Mexico. It is best to grow a good variety of native plants that bloom throughout the season. Since butterflies taste with their feet, having a good amount of host plants planted next to each other is essential.