It is surprisingly easy to grow native plants from seed.
This program helps guide and support people, affectionately referred to as Seed Sitters, as they winter-sow native plants in backyards, and on balconies, and share them with neighbours. The Seed Sitters Club is a project run in partnership between David Suzuki Foundation and Pollinator Partnership Canada.
Join the movement and become a Seed Sitter.

This two-step process starts in January and continues until summer.
Join one in-person event in winter to begin your Seed Sitting journey! We will provide soil for one sample and seeds for all the plants you'd like to grow.
Get ongoing support throughout the growing process with our Facebook Community Group. (If you like.)
We meet up again in June for a Potting-up-Party and seedling swap. At that time we will divide the many seedlings and plant them in individual pots so that they can grow into healthy plants and can be transplanted into the garden by August. At this event, you will also be able to get seedlings of species you didn't grow.

Seed Sitters can keep all the plants they like to plant and will have extras to make available for free to neighbours, community groups, schools and other projects.
The Cliffcrest Butterflyway can take excess plants and donate them to community projects.
Most plants are ready to be planted in the ground in August. Planting can be safely done until November.

Check out the available seeds and the ecological relationships for each plant here.